Smile :-)
20/3 Shangri-la hotel
Tonight is special for me. Thanks Kenny for making an awesome date with Min Ki. Then i shall ask, who is Min Ki? His full name is Kim Min Ki, a korean, graduated from Yonsei University, now at an age of 33 but he retired 3 years ago! He is young but when you meet him up, you will know that his mindset is far away mature than i thought. He is a sportsman (very muscular! hehe), recently having his first class trip in Singapore( free one!) plus participating triathlon, total 70.3km!I met him up at ShangRi-la hotel. He is very friendly to everyone of us, you know, a broad smile will always breaks the ice between people. When i shake my hand with him, i can feel his confidence firmly. Now, all of us should start our conversations. =)
Do you face any difficulties in this business? how do you overcome them?
Kim: Everything has its difficulties. Why difficult? Because you hav a choice to give up. If you are doing sth, you are just like running a race. In middle of the race, you have two choices, 1: keep going 2. Give up. Ya, you will confront setbacks and obstacles while you are running and sometimes you are fatigued and intended to give up. But, just whenever you try to give up, consider again. If you give up, you din finish the race, you din win the medal, nth change in your life. However, if you continue your race, be consistent and finally you will and you can finish the race. And someone will say to you, Well done! Good Job! You did it!
How can you motivate yourself even received rejections?
If someone rejects you, is their choice! Not yours! You dont have the choice to let them choose what you want them to be. You cant read others mind, but you can read ur mind. Dont be afraid of rejections, try again and again and again. Read your mind, focus your mind, experience the rejections and finally you will meet someone that hav real mind as yours.
Find your goal, set your goal. Ask yourself what's the reason to keep your move, what 's drive you to live your life? What are you strive for? Keep asking yourself, you will have the passion to continue you works, you have the big mind, think big, every difficulties is a piece of cake to you.
How can you be successful?
Dont worried about the failure. There is no failure in your life, but experience! Learn from the mistake, only you can make the mistakes. Sometimes, other will see you as an idiot but you know yourself are not the idiot! Let me give out an analogy, if you can get the diamonds by keep walking backward on the road for a month, will you do that??? Everyone wants the diamond but not everyone willing to walk backward because they think this is crazy!!! Yes, if you keep walking backward in your daily life, others may think you are insane. But, you know yourself are not! Cuz you see diamonds in the terminal point. Remember, pain is temporarily, but glory is permanent. Quitter never wins, winners never quit. Visualize this business and make it happen, dont wait it happen, and dont see my goal as yours. Your success is on your own hand.
Why am i here to meet you?
I believe in all of you.
Change the platform, you may change the world, change your life, a better life.
One life, one dream, one chance, one difficulty.
Smile :-)
这个星期虽然有点忙,因为concert要到的关系;虽然有点烦,因为要看长到屁酱的e-webcast + 改booklet (结果还给我弄错!>.< gek hei!)
七早八早起床,为了要去吃很好吃的素. :P
距离上次去静思堂好像有1年的时间了,突然很想念那个地方,所以就自告奋勇报名了素食料理大赛。(结果因为迟大大大到,miss掉学煮的那part)说到为什么会迟到,还真的觉的自己有点tohsui。因为原本打算自己一个人去的,然后又不知道为什么偏偏上网check到看似很短但却花更多时间的路线。T.T 觉得最搞笑的地方是,竟然有个水鱼和我上了贼船。哈哈。
故事就这样发生了。两个水鱼在巴士上吹水吹到天昏地暗,巴士过站到很远的地方了还不信自己已经过站,结果要顶着晒到皮肤快焦的太阳走回去巴士站,搭回去。1个小时半就酱过了。然后我不知哪来的直觉,feel到静思堂就在不远处,结果就提早下了车。又凑巧的事,那个水鱼亮出了他的gps,然后我们很高兴的说:我们有救了!沿着gps给的方向准没错,死命走啊走啊。希望那座建筑物就在眼前......老天爷还真的带我们“不错", 原来我们离目的地的方向是相反的。>.< 那个水鱼不小心把地图放大了,结果我们只看到一边,另一边没有看到。当时的心情没有很糟,只是觉得怎么我们那么蠢!再来就是觉得很不好意思咧,迟到整整2个小时!
11人的HTHT,比我想象中来的HT。大家都不会避忌,很坦诚的说出自己的感受,公事也好,私事也好,都侃侃而谈,这也是让我感到意外的。经过了这么多个sem,让我感受最深的莫过于自己的心扉,现在的我有什么心事也不会往里面收了,以前不敢触碰的东西我觉得我都可以摊开来,慢慢回答,可能学会分享与分担了吧, 也可能觉得说没有必要在意别人怎么看待你吧 :p 我觉得这样的组合很奇妙,虽然说我们可能彼此了解不深,但总能让我会心一笑。我有点小遗憾当时的心门很小,有点收收埋埋,无法很畅谈的与每个点心们分享,HTHT说出感受。现在不会了,因为一年真的很快就过去了。今天真的聊了很多八卦,聊到我快疯了。
lab report 堆积中 lol
Smile :-)
想法决定喜乐,所以每天早上怎么想并加以坚持,就决定了当天行程中的快乐有多少。 =)