
Will b leaving soon and start my new adventurous life in Singapore, our neighbour country. Feeling nervous and excited as i know i may be confronted with hardships in my study or even social life. There is less emergency backups as it is time to learn how to be more independent and overcome problems by myself. I dunno if i can go far, i will do my best and strive to succeed. Thats a vow to myself.

I know the "cultural" between Singaporeans dat they always have a goal in their life no matter wat they do and are they not dare to lose. Much stress will stand on my shoulder then. But i know there will b encouragements and supports elsewhere. I m pleased to have seniors there as v can pack together and organise some activities, do more fun together.
It's time to say goodbye, to my fellow frens, dearest family and my hometown.

A song from Jay-说了再见
天凉了 雨下了 你走了
清楚了 我爱的 遗失了
想要放 放不掉 泪在飘
你看看 你看看 不到
我假装过去不重要 却发现自己办不到
说了再见 才发现再也见不到
口红待在桌脚 而你我找不到
若角色对调 你说好不好
说了再见 才发现再也见不到
说好陪我到老 永恒往哪里找
再次拥抱 一分一秒都好
天凉了 雨下了 你走了
清楚了 我爱的 遗失了
想要放 放不掉 泪在飘
你看看 你看看 不到
我假装过去不重要 却发现自己办不到
说了再见 才发现再也见不到
口红待在桌脚 而你我找不到
若角色对调 你说好不好
你的笑 你的好 脑海里 一直在绕
我的手 忘不了 你手的温度
心碎了一地 捡不回 从前的心跳
身陷过去 我无力逃跑
说再见 才发现再也见不到
说好陪我到老 永恒往哪里找
再次拥抱 一分一秒都好

9 Response to Goodbye =)

July 9, 2010 at 2:15 PM

Ahgan! when are you leaving? NUS?

July 9, 2010 at 6:39 PM

12th of July. Yes, NUS

July 9, 2010 at 11:55 PM

hmmm...take care.

July 10, 2010 at 12:23 AM

take care.... T.T

July 10, 2010 at 2:08 PM

thx guys. will meet again.

July 14, 2010 at 9:49 PM

Good luck in NUS..
Must enjoy your UNI life..
i love this song too =)

c you !


July 15, 2010 at 1:49 PM

ah gann!all da best in singapore ya^^
i miss u~~

July 17, 2010 at 3:49 PM

ah gan!!!
gambateh in singapore!!!
tell me when u cum bac malaysia o!!!
we go watch movie ar..haha..
miss ya!!!
take care=)

July 20, 2010 at 2:03 PM

miss all of u =)