Get a life!
这时候的解药唯有互相包容与谅解。彼此的沟通也非常重要,因为我们都不是彼此,某些想法如果不说清楚,不坦白,误解便会很容易产生。因为人很奇怪的,总是很会“以为”。往往这个“我以为” 就断定了别人的想法。这是个陷阱,而往往我们就是喜欢往陷阱踩,即便你我也是如此。知道事实的那一天,除了说自己自以为外,还能说的就只有个蠢字。当然更重要的是那三个字。事情本来可以很简单,但就是这个“以为”,芝麻绿豆小事也能被放大成大件事。
p/s 性格有时不能当饭吃,有时只是解释错误的借口,承认它,然后将以改之,才是善举。
Get a life!
Budget: Rm2000
因为有一个人跟我说,最近看到很多朋友backpacking ,所以自己也很想尝试,然后就jio了我。
Get a life!
Today event is so special to me, though i din manage to bring my fren to come. I am still excited cuz i really can learn a lot of things from the speakers, i come here to invest my knowledge, to earn a new perspective, to gain others experience.
The guest speakers 2day also very energetic and passionate of this business because they own their life they wanted from this business. They said: We are the owner for our life. Frankly, at 1st when i look through this business, i am juz interested of the cash flow of the business system. However, after few months, it changes my mind. I know the true meaning and value of this business, freedom is given to everyone who commits to this wonderful business and you can own ur lifestyle that you wanted to be in the future. Juz like the 4 basic cornerstones of the business: Freedom, Family, Hope and Rewards.
Back to the introduction of the speaker, one of the couple speakers are from America, with nationality of Korean, called Dr Shin WonBo and Han JunGah. The couple really fascinating. I am so touched with his wife, miss Han. She is indeed very brave and hav a great courage! Though she is not fluent in English and its pronunciation, she gives out her speech with aplomb. She is very gorgeous! A violinist! She always giv out a big smile whenever her hushband giv out his speech on stage.
For her husband, Dr. Shin, he is from a well educational background with master degree of mechanical and electrical engineering, yet own a double master degree of marine and shipping engineering! Why such an excellent educated person, owned a well income and career still choose to do this business?
Then he answer, you never know who will start this business, because everyone can do it. This is a business that everyone can start with regardless of your educational background, qualification, your age and what you do. If you have a dream, you can achieve your dream here! You wont enlarge the challenges if you own a big big big dream. He told us that our life is juz same as this business, is a marathon. It does not care of whether you run faster than others or start faster, it cares of whether you hav finished the race! Yes, indeed you will confronted lots of obstacles, but if you hav determination, own a huge dream, the challenges are too minor to you! Juz doing this business is not enough, you must finish this business!
I like this phrase, " No pay, no gain. Pain is temporary, glory is permanent and forever."
I believe myself can be successful! I can do it no matter what pain!
From book: "The magic of thinking big"-
一封msg说1130pm,Ken 会从KL特地来sg和我们聚一聚,我就毫不考虑地去了。
当时还在music camp,而且练习到还蛮迟的,我怕赶不上最后一趟mrt,所以也没回宿舍拿洗刷用具就冒然地去AMK了。就算会到很迟,很累,很脏,但我知道一切都是值得的,别人何尝不是这样呢?
当然也少不来自我介绍环节,又重新认识了一群人,又看到了每个人的成长。真的和初次见面的我们很不一样。从言谈举止当中,真的感受到每个人得到的感动。Ken 和Edison的感情真的很好,可以看得出彼此间的相信与了解。
Ken 很年轻,很帅,很有活力,很有笑容。
他说成功是一种习惯。只要我们把该做的当成一种习惯。 什么是习惯?就好像上班这样,每天坚持重复做,那我们就离成功不远。要成功必须给自己时间,应为我们所播出去的种子,需要在天时地利人和,温度,水分,土壤与空气的条件下才会慢慢发芽。我们所播取出的种子,我们不知道它几时发芽,但如果我们不勇于播种,那就不会有收成的一天,发芽的一天。
这让我想起Edison曾经也说过相似的话,you rip what you sow, you rip after you sow, you rip more than you sow.
Launch urself to success with the power of belief and let it be ur habit, keep doing, doing and doing.