
Smile :-)

A review of  " The magic of Thinking Big" by David J, Schwartz

Cure yourself of excusitis, the failure disease.

There are four common forms of excusitis.
1. But my health isnt good- Health excusitis
2. But you have got to have brains to succeed. - intelligence excusitis
3. It's no use. I am too old ( or too young) - Age excusitis
4. But my case is different. I attract bad luck- Luck excusitis

Four things we can do to lick health excusitis
1. Refuse to talk about our bad health. The more we talk about, even a small ailment like common flu or cough, the worse it seems to get. One doesnt get respect and loyalty by being a chronic complainer.
2. Refuse to worry about our health. A well-known doctor as well as a consultant claims that he always begging hundreds of heart-conscious men to relinquish the diagnosis to electrocardiograms.
3. Be grateful that our health is as good as it is. Be grateful for the health instead of complaining not feeling good is the powerful vaccination against developing new aches and pains.
4. Remind ourselves" It's better to wear out than rust out"

Intelligence excusitis
Knowledge is power when you utilize it constructively. Knowledge is only potential power. It is a power when is put to use and then only when the use made of it is constructive. There is a story of Einstein of how he answered a question. He was asked how many feet are in a mile and he replied, " I dont know. Why should i fill my brain with facts i can find in two minutes in any standard reference book?"

How much is a fact man worth? An employer said, " What i want are people who can solve problem, who can think up ideas. People who can dream and then develop the dream into practical application. An idea man can make money from me, a fact man cant." Never underestimate your ability nor overestimate the other fellow's brainpower. Remind ourselves, right attitudes are more important than our intelligence. Ability to think is much greater than ability to memorize facts. Are we using our mental ability to make history or using it merely to record history made by others?

Age excusitis
Look at our present age positively. It is better to say, I am still young instead if I am already old. Compute how much productive time you have left. A person who aged at 30 still has 80% of his productive life ahead of him. Life is actually longer than most people think. Think " I am going to start now instead of thinking " I should start years ago."

Luck excusitis
Dont be wishful thinker. Dont waste your mental muscle dreaming of an effortless way to win success. Because everything comes from your actions, does those things, masters principles that produce success. Not luck but preparation, planning, and success-doing thinking preceded good fortune.

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