Date: 29/1
Venue: CHKL
though dat day is considered as a holiday 4 students, i still need to work as usual, that is till 3.15pm.(exasperating!)
but luckily, i can go around the temple fair.
there arent many stalls as this year the school decided to let at least 2 to 3 different society cooperate 2gth for selling food or others.
the fair starts at 8am and ends at 1130pm.
me , js and later add up shi wen hav a walk there.
the sun is damnly hot and me and js seem impatiently to hav a queue 4 buying waffle n ' long xu tang' ( dunno how to name in eng). Plus, dunno why the sun always follows, so many students line up
then we decided to spend all of the coupons=money left in the game zone.
all of the games prepared there r so hilarious. ( i think)
1stly, me and js hav a play which is a simple game that is juz need to throw 5 balls per each game into the according holes. Big hole less point while small hole more points. Each of us score 5 points. XD
next, we play another game which is similarly to bowling. Throw a ball onto the bottles which are all filled up with water and hit them down in order to get points. arh.. i almost hit them down, juz left one bottle. ( so unlucky >.<) dats never mind cuz still got prize! hehe. we own 20points totally and win mine in black while js's in pink. but mine is still intact, js's....head and the body are seperated ad within an hour. haha.
we spend about 1hr++ and need to go back to the library and work!!
realize dat we hav been left maggie alone at the library for a long time. paiseh leh.
back to the library...
look! js keep eatin and in a kawaiiiiii look. XD maggie and i
kawaiii and i
enjoy the day.
dat day is also my 1st driving lesson but hav a heavy rain.
so, my uncle postponed it. haih..
need to wait one week again.
1 Response to Temple fair
wa..u look fatter now. =p
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