
Is coward versus courage.
You are eager to own back the latter as you noticed it has been vanishing gradually.
Coward is gonna taken over you soon.
Where are you? Where is your bravery as before?
What are you afraid of? Barrier? Doubting ur ability? Lack of confidence?
Dont know either.Something has hindered ur action, you hesitate and decided not to do so. And at last, is your coward kills your own opportunities. Regretful? Slapping urself? what use?!

You timid! Can you put those lousy excuses aside? You are not determined enough.
Isnt such a sad case that you disqualified urself before you action?
Be realistic, everything has its comparison. You are forced to be compared. However, undeniably you real enemy is you, yourself. Is YOU who set it as your restriction to hamper your initial thinking and behaviour. Your inner faintheart allow you to do so, turn you into a slug and surprisingly you didnt refuse it.

whoelse able to save you?
Till your coward side being vanquished or your courage overtakes the previous.
Then you could deserve wat you want with aplomb.

You are here, trying to write this piece of shit to cease ur chicken-hearted.
Halt here pls. :(

1 Response to C versus C

March 8, 2011 at 11:40 PM

girl~I give u courage!~hehe